Revenue Code Listing Window

This window displays the list of all Revenue Codes used that the specific State/School District. It will also display the information and description of what the Revenue Code is specified for.

Header Row
Not In Use: If check, the Revenue Code is currently not being used by the specific School District.
Group: General Main Set of Revenue Coding.
Revenue Code: Further breakdown of the Revenue Coding. (Subset)
Description Code: Description of what the specific Revenue Code is used for.
ChoA: Chart of Account. The Account the revenue generated by the specified Revenue Coding would allocate to.
Student Check box: If check, the Revenue Code is used for a billing in Student revenue.

Sort Buttons
Sort by the order of checked (Not In Use) Revenue Code first if Ascending box is checked and Not Checked Revenue Code if Ascending box is not checked.
Sort by the order of the sequential (Group) Revenue Code numbering.
Sort by the order of the sequential (Subset) Revenue Code numbering.
Sort by the order of the Description of the Revenue Code alphabetically.

Icon Buttons
Adds a New Revenue Code into the system by defining the numeric Code, Description and assigning the Chart of Account in which the New Code is to be associated with.
Prints all Revenue Codes and information as is being displayed on the Listing window as well as the the Revenue Code ID.
Update Revenue Codes by redefining those which is currently being used and those which is currently NOT being used.
Edit the Existing Revenue Codes by scrolling through individual account on a subsequent window.