2004/06/22 0012

Labor Rate Listing Window

The Labor Rate Listing Window displays labor rates and other data including ranks, type and a brief description of the title for which the labor rate is being used.

Header Row
Site: Code is assigned to each site to make it unique.
Description: Describes the job/ title of the labor.
# Employment: This field indicates if this position/title has been assigned or how many people are having the job title.
Std. Rate: Standard hourly pay rate the employee is paid.
Type: Job type as specified by the school. e.g. Salaried, Non Salaried or Union , Management.
Rank: There are three types of ranks:
Start Date: Date the labor rate is created
End Date: Date the labor rate is finished or invalid. This is set to 01/01/9999 by default
Comment: This field stores general comments about the rate or the employee.

Icon Buttons
New Record Button creates a new input record form
Search Button performs a search to select records according to criteria
Print Button prints a record or opens a print selection dialog
Calculate Button updates an employee count for the selected rates at a particular date
Set Up Button allows rate changes to be done on a chosen record
View Button allows a record detail to be viewed, but not modified
Listing / Edit Button allows the use of Next Record, Previous Record navigation buttons.
Modify Button opens input window for a selected record and allows you to modify that record.
Cancel Button cancels the current action and closes the active window.