Bank Statement Listing Window

This is the listing window for bank statements from this window you can locate past bank statements, payment details by banks, account numbers, specific check numbers or specific check dates. User can also perform bank account reconciliation and print a hard copy of the bank statement in full detail.

Header Row
Bank Statement #: System generated internal ID
Date: Day of the bank statement closing date
Month of : the Bank Statement month and year
Bank Code: Bank ID
Balance: bank statement balance
Previous Balance: Last statement amount indicated on the bank Statement

Sort Buttons
Sorts by Bank Statement Number.
Sorts by Date the account was reconciled
Sorts by Bank Code
Sorts by the month of the Bank Statement

Icon Buttons
ADDS this allows you to begin the bank reconciliation process by entering in the bank statement balance from the statement you received from your bank.
QUERY allows you to search Bank Statements by Bank & Account,by check number, invoice number and by statement date.
PRINTS the Bank Statement Report in full with all checks, money received and miscellaneous. Also prints all outstanding (un cleared) checks for a specific Bank Statement.
VIEWS opens only the record you have selected from the listing window used for viewing only; no modification of the record is possible.
CANCEL the action and close the window.