Expense Budget Listing View

This Window is used to draw an Expense Budget Report.

Header Row
Budget Code: Long code form of the budget
Budget: The current budget of the budget
Unobligated: (Budget not allocated yet)
Last Update: The date the budget was last updated
Spent: The amount spent up to the date the budget was last updated
Encumbered: The amount the current encumbered excluding spend, and AP
Partial Pay: The amount of the budget which are under partial payment
Payable: The amount of the budget which just passed accounts payable but not yet paid

Colored Field and Reason
Budget field Green- Budget is valid
Budget field Red- Over budgeted
Budget field Blue- No current Budget

Sort Buttons
This button is used to sort the data by Code.
This button is used to sort the data by year
This button is used to sort the data by Budget
The remainder of the budget amount

Icon Buttons
NEW :Add a completely new file to the database.
FIND: This button is used to access existing data from the database
PRINT: Generates the Expense Budget Report in the form of a Report either printed or to disk depending on the options (Sorted Report, Current List, Export Text, C&L Export)
CALCULATE: Post the Expense Ledger to Expense Budget As of Now or From Scratch.
SETUP: Updates/Adjusts Budget by Disk System or Double Entry
VIEW: Opens only the record you have selected from the listing window for viewing only.
EDIT: Opens the entire list of selected records to modification one after another as in going from record "A" to record "B".
MODIFY: Opens only the record you have selected from the listing window for modification.
CANCEL the action and close the window.