2004/01/26 0030

Check Listing Window

This is the check listing window from this window you can view the status of all checks,.
see all checks to a specific employee or vendor through a search by name, invoice number, check number or through a compound custom search involving a variety of search criteria.

Header Row
Check #: Check number (the one start with "e" are electronic deposit checks)
Pay To: The pay to person/firms' full name
Type: Types of checks:
PS_Payroll Support
RB_Board Approved Reimbursement
MO_Revenue Check
P: If marked "X", the check is printed
CL: If marked "X", the check is Cleared
Amount: Check amount
Check Date: The date the check was printed
Clear Date: The date the check was Cleared
Bank St. ID: (Bank Statement ID) a Bank St. ID will be generated and attached to the check when it has cleared.
Send To: If payroll check, this shows where the site the check is sent to.
Emp/Ven ID: If pay to employee, this would show the Employee ID while in all other cases, it would show the Vendor ID.
Pay to ID: In most cases, the pay to ID is the same as Vendor ID (in case of employee check it would be employee ID), while in cases of PO, the pay to ID would be the vendor other address ID with which the check is being send to. If electronic deposits, this field would start with an "e", in some cases, with the transaction to follow.
Comment: Any comment that was included with the check

Sort Buttons
Vendor: To sort by Vendor/Pay to Name
Check: To sort by check number
Amount: To sort by amount of the check
Date: To sort by date the check was issued
Send To: To sort by send to ID of the vendor or employee

Icon Buttons
QUERY This is the way to access existing data from view check listing window. You are able to query by Types of checks, Status, Bank Accounts, Invoice Number and Check Number.
PRINT C4SI SD allows you to print a void copy , reprint a check and customize by using 4D Quick Report
DELETE This will void a check and ask for reason
CALCULATE Creates a Vendor Check Total report. This is used as an export file and produces a report to be used to list out all the vendor's and the amount that was spent with them on a yearly basis
SETUP used to reissue, un-printed, un-void, and change an e check to a normal check.
VIEWS Opens only the record you have selected from the listing window used for viewing only; no modification of the record is possible.
MODIFY Opens only the record you have selected from the listing window for modification.
CANCEL Cancel the action and close the window.