Expense Ledger Sorting Window

This window is the listing window for your expense ledgers. All your Expense Ledgers will be shown here by query. This window allows you to add, view, query, and reallocate the Expense Ledger.

Header Row
L: Status of the expense ledger as Lock
P: Status of the expense ledger as Paid
P: Status of the expense ledger as Posted
Amount Amount of the expense ledger
Type Different Types and they are; AD = Adjustment, BC = Bank Charges BE = Benefit, EM= Employee Misc., LP = Local Purchase Order, PP = Partial Payment, PR = Payroll, TR = Budget Transfer, VC = Void Check, FR = Fund Reimbursement, HI = History, IP = Interest Payment, LE = Ledger Entry.
Key ID: e.g. Type LP will indicates a Purchase order number
Encumbered: The date the expense ledger was Encumbered
AP Date: The date the expense ledger was approved for payment
Paid Date: The date the expense ledger was paid with a check
Post Date: The date the expense ledger was posted into the budget

Sort Buttons
Mod. Date: Sort in order of Modification date.
Amount: Sort in order of Amount.
Type: Sort in order of Type.
Coding: Sort in order of Codes.
Key ID.: Sort in order by Key ID.

Icon Buttons
Creates new Expense Ledger Entry.
Query Expense Ledgers by specific Criteria.
Prints the Expense Ledgers currently in Sorting window.
Single expense ledger account reallocation.
View record only.