2004/06/28 0034

Site (School) Listing Window

This window is the responsibility center listing window , this show the various site where students and activity of the school district occurs.

Header Row
Responsibility center Code: This is the site identification code.
Name: This is the name of the responsibility center.
Auto Check box: If checked on a WAN (Wide Area Network) the system will call central server at a specific time automatically.
Main phone: This is the main phone number of the responsibility center.
% Used: This indicates what percentage of their budget as used to date.
Year to date Amount: This is the amount responsibility center used for the year
Contact (if any): The main contact at the responsibility center.

Icon Buttons
This allows you to create a new record for responsibility center
This allow for the search of information for responsibility center
This helps update responsibility center and post budget and check spending
Prints the records for the responsibility center in different ways
View data in responsibility center
Modifies information for the site
Cancel/Escape this exits the window and do not save data