Money Receive Listing Window

This is the Money Receive Listing window used to show records incoming revenues and track the status of the money received into the system. From this listing window one can view the type, payee name, date the money was received which bank account it was deposited to the reference number and if it has cleared the bank.

Header Row
Type: Type of money receive; RE Revenue, FR. Fund Reimbursement, IT Internal Transfer (Wire Transfer), EM Payroll Reimbursement, PR Payroll Reimbursement, SK Student paid by check , SC Student paid by Cash, NF Non Sufficient Fund (NSF), VK Vendor paid by Check, VC Vendor paid by Cash, MO. Revenue Check.
Internal ID: Internally generated ID
From: Name of Vendor
Date: Date the check is entered into the system
Amount: Amount of money received
Cl: (Cleared). If checked the money has cleared the bank statement.
State No: Bank Statement number
Bill Code Only for Student /Vendor billing and receiving
Cleared Date: Date the checked was cleared
Reference: Any number dealing with payment e.g. Wire transfer confirmation number, Check number , cash.
Comment: Any comment about the money received

Colored Fields and Reasons
From who the money come from - black means the money has cleared the bank and has appeared on a bank statement.
From who the money come from - green means the money receive record has not been reconciled with the monthly bank statement.

Sort Buttons
Sorts by Alphanumeric
Sorts by Date
Sorts by Type of money receive

Icon Buttons
NEW To add a new record to money receive
FIND To search for a money receive record by status, bank, type and date.
PRINT prints by current list and specific received (individual money receive).
REMOVE deletes a record from the active file.
VIEW Opens only the record you have selected from the listing window for viewing only; no modification of the record is possible.
MODIFY Opens only the record you have selected from the listing window for modification.
CANCEL Cancel the action and close the window.