2004/06/22 0048

Job Position Listing Window

The Job Position Listing Window allows you to view the position profiles as a list with the scroll bar.

Header Row
Site: Display as a school code
Position Title: Such as Principal, teacher, etc...
From: The starting date of the position.
To: The end date of the position. As a note, 01/01/9999 is the default end date.
Certif.(s): The employee certificate number
Current Position Status: Whether it is vacant or it has been occupied by the employee. You shall see the employee name instead of vacant if the position is occupied by the employee.
Budget: The fiscal year encumbered amount for the position.
FTE: Full Time Equivalence code.
Job Class: Job type based on school assignment.
Sub. Pay: The amount paid to the substitute per day.
Comment: Text comment for the position.

Colored Fields and Reasons
Employee Name - Red means position not filled and will have the word VACANT in it
Employee Name - Black means position is filled and with the employee how is holding the job
Fast Title - Blue means position is not a current but future position
Fast Title - Black means position is a current position

Icon Buttons
Add New Record Button adds a new position record.
Search/Query Button opens a position query dialog.
Print Button opens print dialog--print the position records whether you want to print with a plan list, list with code, list with the certificates, list with detail or custom using quick report.
Setup Button opens the setup dialog--whether you want to fill position, profile check, or verify a budget .
View Button opens a selected record(s) to be viewed, but not modified
Edit Button opens the selected record to be used and allows you to move through the records using the next record and previous record navigation buttons.
Modify Button allows you to modify the selected record.
Cancel Button cancels the current action and closes the active window.