Month Fund Listing Winodw

This is the Month Fund Listing window which shows all funds with the amounts received , spent and their balances. The details of a specific fund will show the dates of the last transaction in both expense and revenue,loan positions and cash balances. This information is used to create a cashiers cash report.

Header Row
Month Fund Yr.: The Fund code for a specific month for a specific fiscal year (MFY)
Opening Balance: MFY's Opening balance
Revenue: Total revenue for that specific MFY
Expense: Total expense for that specific MFY
Loans: Total load for the specific MFY
Cash Balance: Current cash balance for the specific MFY
Loan Balance: Current loan balance for the specific MFY
Fund Balance: Current Fund balance for the specific MFY
Last Touch: Last date the specific MFY is updated on
First Date: The very first date the MFY is created
Month Date: The calender time period for the MFY

Sort Buttons
Fi. Year: By Fiscal Year
Code: By Code
Date: By Date
Fund: By Fund

Icon Buttons
QUERY Month Fund by Fund, Year and or, Date.
PRINT prints Month Fund Report by Current List, Multi Monthly,Specific Period, and Custom( 4D Quick Report)
CALCULATE the Month Fund for one month or a period of time
EDIT Opens the entire list of selected records to modification one after another
CANCEL the action and close the window.