Payroll Overpayment Reimbursement

This Window which will allow you to modify a Payroll Reimbursement for an overpay. If a payroll is run incorrectly for any reason but the electronic despoist employees check has already cleared a payroll reimbursement must be done. From this window the user can search the payroll for the overpays.

Input/Display Fields
Deposit into: Pop-up menu - Account in which you will deposit current reimbursement.
Date: Date Payroll Reimbursement was made.
Check No.: Check No. of Payroll Reimbursement.
From: Pop up Menu - List of employees in which the check could be from.
Amount: Amount of Reimbursement.
By Last Name: Check box - If box is checked you are selecting the employee by last name from the Pop up Menu of “From”
Pay Date: Searches from the entered date to present and pulls up check that needs to be reimbursed.
Icon button - that searches payroll from the date entered in “Pay Date”
Pay ID: Computer generated ID for that pay check.
Total Payout: Total Payout amount for current check.
EMP Type: Employee type.
Usual Pay: Usual Salary.
Gross Wages: Gross Wage of Employee
Total Days: Total number of days getting paid for.
Standard Hours: Regular standard hours for 10 day period.
Over Time: Over time hours Worked.
Double Time: Double Time Hours Worked.
Total Hours: Total hours worked including regular standard hours, over time hours, and double time hours.
Misc TRS.: Miscellaneous Teacher Retirement System Pay.
Misc other: Other miscellaneous pay.
Misc. Pay: Miscellaneous Pay. (e.g. Substitute, painted school, referee basketball game, etc.)
Take Home: Take home amount after deductions.
FED Tax DED: Federal Tax deducted from Check, and to the right of that amount Year to Date amount deducted.
State Tax DED: State Tax dedeucted form Check, and to the right of that amount Year to Date amount deducted.
Federal Withheld: Federal money withheld from Check, and to the right of that amount Year to Date amount Withheld.
State Withheld: State money withheld from Check, and to the right of that amount Year to Date amount Withheld.
Include listing layout

Wage: Gross wage of current employee.
Employee: Employee contribution to one or more of the following account:
Social Security
TRS (Teacher Retirement System)
SMRF (State Municipal Retirement Fund)
Board: Board contribution to same accounts as Employee.
Year to Date: Year to date contribution to all accounts. All accounts that are listed in Employee.
EIC: Earned income Credit.
Cleared: If checked, the clear cleared the bank
Bank State ID: The C4SI SD Bank Statement ID
Cleared Date: The date the special money receive did clear the bank

Icon Buttons
Text Field for notes.