2004/06/22 0058

View Employee Window

View Employee Window displays current employee records in the system. It is blank by default. You have to do a query in order for the system to show selected or all of the employees in the system.

Header Row
Status & Full Name: Full name and status of the employee. Checked means current.
Site: Site code of the school.
Job Title (if any)and Type: Title and type of an employee's job.
Phone: Phone number of employee.
Entry Date: Date employee was put into the system.
Other Name: Other names used by employee.
Emp ID: Employee Identity, this is mainly employee's social security number.
Seniority Date: Seniority date is a date specified by the school based on union laws.
Layoff Date: Date employee employee was laid off.
Address: Employee address.

Icon Buttons
Add/New Record Button is used to create a new employee record.
Search/Query Button. is used to perform a search or query according to the selected criteria.
Print Button opens a print selection dialog window.
Setup Button allows you to change the employee's social security number or ID number.
View Button allows a record to be viewed but not modified.
Edit/View Button. When in view mode, this button allows a record to be viewed but not modified. When in edit mode, it allows a record to be viewed and modified. It also allows the use of next record, previous record navigation buttons.

Modify button allows a record to be selected and opened in the input form, viewed and modified
Cancel/Escape Button cancels the current action and closes the active window.