Activity Fund Transaction Listing Window

This window allows the user to view and modify existing activity fund transactions as well as input new ones. It also calculates and displays your current sum balance and last balance.

Header Row
Site: Displays the school site code.
Date: Displays the date the activity fund transaction has taken place.
Type: Type code for the transaction. Check(CK), deposit(DE), interest earned(IE), and bank charges(BC).
Check #: Displays the check number (if applicable)
Description/Pay To: Displays a brief description of the transaction.
Account: Displays the name of the account.
Clear D: Displays the date the transaction is cleared.
Lock: Will display a check mark after the transaction has been printed, cleared, void, etc.
Amount: Displays the dollar amount involved in the transaction. A minus sign indicates a dollar amount that is subtracted from the account total. e.g. check will be negative, and deposits are positives

Special Keys
Last Balance: Displays the last fund balance.
Current Balance: The system will automatically displays the current balance if there are less than 100 transactions listed.
Click to calculate the current balance if there are more than 100 transaction records.

Sort Buttons
Sorts the listing window alphabetically according to the first letter of each description.
Sorts the listing window according to the transaction date. The oldest date being the one on top.
Sorts the listing window alphabetically according to the transaction type.
Sorts the listing window according to the amount of the transaction. The largest deduction will appear on the top of the list.

Icon Buttons
Add a new activity fund transaction record.
Search for activity fund transactions by site, account, cleared or uncleared as of a specific date, the type of transaction, check number, or description.
Print the activity fund report.
Delete an activity fund transaction.
Allows the user to reconcile the account.
View the selected transaction.
View and modify the selected transaction. Changes cannot be made to locked records.
Cancels the action and closes the window.