Request Listing Window

This is the Request listing window which allows the users to view all the available requests and requisitions.

Header Row
TY Type of requests, RQ is an abbreviation of Request for Quote; RB is an abbreviation of Request for Bid; RE is an abbreviation of Requisition.
ID#: The ID number of the request or requistion (the number after a dash is to show a user how many vendors is the request to: ie. 3 vendors will be -3).
To: The site location code where the Request item(s) will shipped to.
Vendor: The vendor company name.
Date: The date of the request has been generated.
Respond by: The date the vendor should respond by.
Total: Total amount of money for the request line item.
Status: XX is an abbreviation of Canceled.
EX is an abbreviation of Expired.
MP is an abbreviation of Merged to form PO.
Blank is an abbreviation of Pending.
LP is an abbreviation of Purchase Order Formed.
IP is an abbreviation of In the Process.
PO#: The PO# of a request if the request becomes a PO or merged to a PO.
Shipping: The amount of money for shipping.
Vendor Code: The Vendor ID Code.
Comment: A comment of the request.

Sort Buttons
Sorted by Vendor Name.
Sorted by Request ID number.
Sorted by Respond Date.

Special SKeys
Fast request search with key ID#(either scan the bar code or enter the exact ID#) - which is the request #.

Icon Buttons
Add / New - Add new request and requistion. Takes the user to the New Request Generator window.
Search / query - Search the entire database for the Request data. Takes the user to the Request Query Dialog window.
Print - Print the selected Request(s), all the request(s) in the database, the current list and a custom report. Takes the user to the Request Print Dialog window.
Set-up - Set-up the Request line or lines (clear outdated, move to PO, merge, and lock).
View - View a particular Request line, cannot be changed or modified.
Modify - Modify a selected Request and requisition
Cancel / escape - Cancel the Request Listing Window.