Add Employee Absent Reason Code

To add, modify and view the employee employment code

Input/Display Fields
Employee Absent Reason: Code representing the employee's reason for being absent.
Description: Text description of of the two character code.
Impact On: Pop-up menu - Areas of impact an absent day may have on payroll. These include Vacation, Sick, Personal, Family Sick, and Emergency.

Icon Buttons
Cancel the current action and closes the active window.
Previous Record opens the previous record in the Employee Absent Reason Table or the Employee Hiring and Terminate Table.
Next Record opens the next record in the Employee Absent Reason Table or the Employee Hiring and Terminate Table.
New Record Button creates a new input screen to input a new record. The record will be a new Absent Reason Code or Hiring and Termination code depending on what information is being acessed. Accept records input to the database.