Teacher Schedule Display Window

Schedule Display Window allows you to to view an employee's schedule by time and class code using two scrollable windows.

Input/Display Fields
Employee name: Display Field - Name of the employee to whom schedule is being viewed.
Period & Time: Group scollable list - Period and Time represents the period number and the time represents the time the bell is supposed to ring for beginning of period BOLDED Day is the current day is bolded at top of list and current period is horizontally highlighted in order to find location quickly and efficiently.
Class Code: Group scollable list - Current class code used by authorized personnel with current class in session horizontally highlighted.
Description: Group scollable list - Description of the class code with the current class in session horizontally highlighted

Icon Buttons
Modify Button opens the class modify window to allow the user to view the teacher's and student's class schedule.
Cancel Button cancels the operation and closes the view payroll window.