Month Fund Input Window

This is the edit window for Month Fund you can only edit the last balance field.,you would only edit when you find out the balance was incorrect and needs to be changed. After the change is made a new report should be calculated to replace the old report.

Input/Display Fields
Fund Code: Display Field - The Fund code
Date: Display Field - The Start of the Month Fund
First Update: Display Field - The First entry date of the Month Fund
Last Update: Display Field - The Last entry date of the Month Fund
Fiscal Year: Display Field - Fiscal Year of Month Fund
Locked Check box - When checked record can no longer be modified.
Last Balance: Last months balance
Revenue: Display Field - Month Fund Revenue
Expense: Display Field - Month Fund Expense
Transfer: Display Field - Month Fund loan balance
Cash Balance: New Month Fund Balance
Loan Balance: New Month Fund Balance
Fund Balance: New Month Fund Balance
Comment: Scrollable Field - comments for fund

Icon Buttons
CANCEL the action and close the window.
PREVIOUS scrolls to previous record.
NEXT scrolls to next record.
WRITE Writes any new entries or modifications you have made to the database