Invoice Authorization Window

This window is where the money manager authorizes the invoice to be paid and billed. It is also where Payments are hold from being paid.

Input/Display Fields
Check #: Group scrollable list - Number issued to pay that invoice.
Status: Group scrollable list - Status of the Invoice, rather the invoice if OK to pay, Hold etc.
Full Name: Group scrollable list - of the Vendor or Person the check is made out to.
Type: Group scrollable list - List of types, Invoices, local purchase, payroll support etc.
Invoice Number Group scrollable list -of invoice number
Invoice Date: Group scrollable list - Date the invoice was received in the system.
Invoice Discount: Group scrollable list - Discount given if the full amount of the invoice is paid within the agreed term.
Invoice Amounts: Group scrollable list - Dollar amount of the invoice, negative mean it is a bill and positives are credit memos.
Sigma (Sum) dollar amount of all Invoices that are labeled good for payment.
Sigma (Sum) dollar amount of all Invoices that are labeled as Hold from payment.
Sigma (Sum) dollar amount of all Invoices that are labeled as Not Pay
Sigma (Sum) dollar amount of all Invoices

Sort Buttons
Sort by Name of Vendor.
Sort by Status of invoice.
Sort by Invoice Sequence Number.
Sort by Check Number.
Sort by Invoice Type.
Sort by Invoice dollar amount.
Sort by Invoice Date.

Special Keys

Okay all Unmark invoices to the status of OK to Pay.
Make selected invoice no pay status which is “blank” space
Hold payment on selected invoice which gives it a status of “HD”
Make invoice status to “OK” on selected invoice.

Icon Buttons
Investigate the origin and Modify/View detail information of the selected record.
Write/Save all Invoice Status being displayed on this Listing Window.