2004/01/29 0133

Payroll Hours Listing Window

Payroll Hours Listing Window is used for editing hourly employees hours for payroll calculations. This window will pre load the estimated and budgeted hours as default to start with.

Input/Display Fields
Employee Name: Group scrollable list - Employee's full name with last name as leading
Site: Group scrollable list - the site that employee's check will be sent to
Hourly rate: Group scrollable list - the hourly rate of the employee
weekly/Hourly Schedule: Group scrollable list - show the estimated weeks per year and hours per week the employee would work
Type: Group scrollable list - the type of employee, FI = FICA only employee, SS = retirement system employee
ST: Group scrollable list - Standard hours that of the people that will be paid in this payroll.
OT: Group scrollable list - Over time hours of the people that will be paid in this payroll.
DT: Group scrollable list - Double time hours of the people that will be paid in this payroll.
Job Title: Expandable Button - To sort the group scrollable list via Job title.
Expandable Group scrollable list - Job title description of the people that will be paid in this payroll.
Total Hours: Display field - Shows total hours of all hours for this specific listing
Total ST: Display field - Shows total hours of standard hours for the employee listed
Total OT: Display field - Shows total hours of over time hours for the employee listed
Total DT: Display field - Shows total hours of double time hours for the employee listed

Sort Buttons

F. Name: Sorts by first name
L. Name: Sorts by last name
Type: Sorts by employee type.
Reg. Hr: Sorts by regular hours
Site: Sorts by site code.

Icon Buttons
Cancel Button cancels and closes the payroll hours listing window all changes does will not be saved.
Edit / View Button allows updating/changing of each individual employee's hours to be paid.
Print Button directs you to the print selection dialog
Code Button opens the account coding of the selected employee for which his/her account resides (Position or Payroll Profile). Any change in the account here will permanent change the account code whether it resides in (Position or Payroll Profile)
Write Button records the employee hour changes input into the database permanently.