Payroll Report Select Window

This window allows you set up payroll reporting by paper or by saving it to a file. This window also allows you to specify the printing criteria for the reports

Input/Display Fields

State: Pop-up menu - List of available States to choose from.
From: Display field - Beginning date of reporting period.
To: Display field - Ending date of the reporting period.
Custom: Button - Gives the user the ability to do a Quick Report of the selected Payroll records.
Paper Reports
Payroll Register: Check box - Prints entire Payroll detail.in a single document.
IP Total: Radio button - Prints all the totals of employee paid amount.
Board Total: Radio button - Prints all the totals of Board paid amount
Wage Total: Radio button - Prints all the totals of Wages paid amount
All Payroll Deductions Report: Check box - Print all payroll deduction for that payroll.
By Vendor: Check box - Prints list of all vendors summary and which each vendors' total on that deductions on a single page.
Specific: Pop-up menu - List of Payroll deductions vendors.
With Addresses: Check box - Print deductions summary report with the vendor's addresses shown.
TRS: Check box - Prints only the TRS deductions
IMRF: Check box - Prints only the IMRF deductions
Medicare: Check box - Prints only the Medicare deductions
Social Security: Check box - Prints only the Social Security deductions
Federal Withholding: Check box - Prints only the Federal Withholding deductions
State Withholding: Check box - Prints only the State Withholding deductions
Composite: Check box - Prints the employee to the specific vendor total summary information needed over the selected time span, without it a report with 50 employee, for a 15 payroll period will yield a 7550 line report instead of 50 lines.
State Specific: Pop-up menu - List of different state report forms.
Board Advanced Benefits: Check box - Prints all Board Advanced Benefits paid on that payroll.
Report to Disk: Check box - Generates a text file for each of the report selected
Text Export

Elec. Deposit: Radio button - Generates the ACH for electronic deposit
Export(s): Radio button - Generates a more specific text file.
State W2: Radio button - Generates a state w2 text file.
TRS: Radio button - Generates a TRS text file.
Unemployment: Radio button - Generates a Unemployment text file.
W2: Radio button - Generates a W2 text file.

Icon Buttons

This button prints the payroll record of the selection dialog for the selection of "Paper Reports" side of this window.
Cancels the current print payroll record window and exits.
Saves the current payroll record to a file according to criteria selected under " Text Export "