2004/02/15 0141

Expense Ledger Specific Total Select Dialog

Expense Ledger Specific Total Select Dialog allows one to select a combination of accounting code(s) or group of account(s) based on the state codes. With each press of the print button, a line text which states the code, and segment of the code and the calculated total would be added to the starting text file.

Input/Display Fields
Short Hand: Fill-In/Pop-Up menu - Allows you to select Fund accounting code from a pop up menu, using partial fill and load.
Code: Display Field - The display of the selected Fund accounting code.
Fund: Fill-In/Pop-Up menu - for the Fund code
Source of Fund: Fill-In/Pop-Up menu - for the Source of Fund code
Instruction Org.: Fill-In/Pop-Up menu - for the Instructional Organization code
Site: Fill-In/Pop-Up menu - for the Site (school) code
Function: Fill-In/Pop-Up menu - for the Function code
Object: Fill-In/Pop-Up menu - for the Object code
Job Class: Fill-In/Pop-Up menu - for the Job Classification code
Term: Fill-In/Pop-Up menu - for the Term code
Subject Matter: Fill-In/Pop-Up menu - for the Subject Matter code
Program: Fill-In/Pop-Up menu - for the Program code
Fiscal Year: Fill-In/Pop-Up menu - for the Fiscal Year code
Date Type: Pop-Up menu - To select what would be the date type use in the specific query. the selection are 3, Paid date, AP date, and Encumbered date.
From: The beginning date of the query base on the date type.
To: The ending date of the query base on the date type.

Icon Buttons
Cancel Buttons cancels the current action and closes the active window.
Print Buttons would generate a text line in the current text file.