Class Time Input Window

This window indicate the class time schedule as it relates to a particular class, the end user know the begin and end of each class schedule and can add new time schedule for the class

Input/Display Fields

X: Group scrollable list - This indicates a student is enrolled in this class
Student Name: Group scrollable list - This is the students Name in a class
Start Date: Group scrollable list - This is the beginning of the school year, usually when the student registers in this class
End Date: Group scrollable list - This is the end of the school year, usually when the school year ends.
Current Student: Display field - This is the number of current student in the class
Hours per week served: Display field - The number of hours the class meets per week.
Last: Button - Sort listing by last name
First: Button - Sort listing by first name
Active: Button - Sort listing by active student in a class
Start: Button - Sort listing by start date.
Class Scheduling Include layout
Start time: Enter the beginning of the school day if different from school master clock
Fill: Button - with this button, the system use monday's schedule as a template to fill the rest of the week. So there is no need to fill each day's schedule individually if they have the same meeting time.
Period: Group scrollable list - This is the period of time the class meets in a day
Start time: Group scrollable list - Time the class begins it session
End time: Group scrollable list - Time the class end it session
M: Group scrollable list - Monday, Day of the week class meet(X indicates class in session at this hour and day)
T: Group scrollable list - Tuesday, Day of the week class meet (X indicates class in session at this hour and day)
W: Group scrollable list - Wednesday, Day of the week class meet (X indicates class in session at this hour and day)
T: Group scrollable list - Thursday, Day of the week class meet (X indicates class in session at this hour and day)
F: Group scrollable list - Friday, Day of the week class meet (X indicates class in session at this hour and day)
Time span in minute: Enter total time spent in class in minutes to adjust time schedule
Icon button - Allows the user to add a student to the class listing
Icon button - Allows the user to delete a student from the listing.

Icon Buttons
View This allows the user to view class schedule
Previous page This takes you to the previous page