Attendance Day Input Window

The attendance day window allows users to input the record of attendance of the student. It indicate the presence of the student in a particular class and reasons of absent.

Input/Display Fields
By last name: Checked Box - Students are selected by last name
Name: Fill in/Pop-up menu - Student who for any reason is not in attendance in a class is chosen from this pop up menu
Date: Display only for date identification.
Full name: Scrollable List -Student full name as chosen for attendance record
Class: Scrollable List -Class code for the particular class for the attendance day input.
A/L: Scrollable List -Absent /late reason, this indicate which of the student is not in attendance, either absent, half day, late or quarter day.
Days: Scrollable List -This is number of days student is absent or late
Reason(if any): Scrollable List -This states the reason why student was absent or late
Total Student: Display field - Total number of student for a particular site
Total absent: Display field - Total number of student absent in a particular class
Total Late: Display field - Total number of student late in a particular class
Reason: Pop-up menu -This is the reason given for absent or late for a particular student,it is multiple choice from a pop up menu. reason and how many day absent, half day, late, or quarter day.
Absent: Radio Button - Reason of Absent and arranging absent/late reason in orderly fashion, you scan student to know reason of absenteeism
Half day: Radio Button - Reason of Absent and arranging absent/late reason in orderly fashion, as you scan student to know reason of absenteeism
Late: Radio Button - Reason of Absent and arranging absent/late reason in orderly fashion,as you scan student to know reason of absenteeism
Check box: This is for the sort buttons to allow choices in ascending and descending order
Special Keys
Gives the user the ablilty to input students information by scanning a bar code.
Sort Buttons

Class: This sorts information by class
Last N.: Sort by last name
A/L: Sort by absent/Late reason
Reason: Sort by reasons of absent/Late
Days: Sort by Days of Student attendance absent or late

Icon Buttons
Delete: This removes highlighted information from the window
View : This allows you to view information of the highlighted student
Print This allow the user to add memo to the selected student guardian before printing
Cancel/Escape This allows the exit of the current window.
Write this saves the information to the database.