2004/02/08 0161

Employee Query Dialog Window

Employee Query Dialog Window is used to perform a customized search based on employee related criteria.

Input/Display Fields
X: Group scrollable list - X represents certificate that are valid for the employee begin searched
Certificate: Group scrollable list -List of certificates with the Certificate number and description.
Number of Certificates Selected: Display field: Number of total certificates being checked/required for this query
Site: Fill in/Pop up menu - List of sites.
Status: Pop up menu - Employee's employment Status,
Current - employees that are current as today
Non Current - employee that are not currently employed as of today, i.e. past or future employees.
Staff Type: Pop up menu - List of staff types.
CR-Salary employee with retirement
ST-Substitute employee with retirement
SS-Hourly employee with retirement
FI-Hourly employee without retirement
CO- Salary without retirement
DA-Daily hourly with retirement
Last Name (Partial): Searches by partial last name. E.g. If an employee's last name is Smith, you can type in SMS and the program will automatically put in Smith.
First Name (Partial): Searches by partial first name. E.g... If an employee's first name is Joseph, you can type in Jo and the program will automatically put in Joseph.
Fast Title: Radio Button - Searches by partial fast title. E.g. If an employee's title is Principal, you can select this radio button and then type in "prin" in the enterable field , and the program will automatically display the full word "principal".
S.S. No (Exact): Radio Button - searches full social security number is entered prior to the query. The result will be the employee record with that social security number.
Comment (multi wildcard): Radio Button - one can type in as many string as one want in the space separated the string via a space. The result will be the employee with all the strings defined inside their comment. e.g. todi rk ge will locate phase with like "GEneration 3 cusTODIian woRKer with no union contribution"
Variable Text: This is to be used with the above radio buttons to further specific the query.

Icon Buttons
Cancel Button .allows you to cancel query/search, and exit employee query dialog window.
Write Button. allows you to write the query based on the criteria selected.