2004/02/15 0173

Vendor Revenue Invoice Input Window

This is the listing window for creating a new invoice for Vendors.

Input/Display Fields
Code: Displays the revenue code that one is working on in this window.
Fund: Fill in/Pop-up menu - List of State Funds for the New Invoice.
SoFund: Fill in/Pop-up menu - List Source of Funds.
Site: Fill in/Pop-up menu - List of Sites.
Revenue: Fill in/Pop-up menu - List of Revenue State Codes.
Suffix: Fill in/Pop-up menu - List of State Codes.
Suffix 2: Fill in/Pop-up menu - List of State Codes.
Fiscal Year: Pop-up menu - Fiscal Year(s).
Description: Description detail of why Invoice was presented
Amount: Amount of New Invoice.
Date: Date of Invoice.
Received On: Display field - Date invoice was received.
Billing ID: Display field - ID generated by the computer after money is received for quicker reference
Vendor: Fill in/Pop-up menu - to select vendor for the revenue invoices.
Vendor Detail: Scrollable field - to display address and contact information of the vendor selected above
Locked: Check box - If box is checked Record is locked and cannot be modified on user side. The record will be locked after it has been attached to a bill and the billed is printed.

Icon Buttons
Scrolls to previous record.
Scrolls to Next record
Text field to enter note for current invoice.