2004/02/15 0183

Revenue Budget Input Dialog

This window is used to create a New Revenue Budget

Input/Display Fields
Coding: Displays field - show the revenue code that is being built/used in this window.
Fund: Fill in/Pop-up menu - List of State Funds for the New Invoice.
SoFund: Fill in/Pop-up menu - List Source of Funds.
Site: Fill in/Pop-up menu - List of Sites.
Revenue: Fill in/Pop-up menu - List of Revenue State Codes.
Suffix: Fill in/Pop-up menu - to select the Suffix
Suffix 2: Fill in/Pop-up menu - to select the Suffix2
Fiscal Year: Pop-up menu - to select Fiscal Year(s).
Budget: Amount of the budget.

Icon Buttons
CANCEL and close the window.
WRITE: Writes any new entries or modifications you have made to the database