Add Revenue/Student Window

This is a dual personality window it is used to add Revenue from both Student and Vendor each money received will have a Revenue Code and and an account to be deposited into. The invoice can be paid by cash or check and in special cases be waived as no pay.

Input/Display Fields
Deposit into: Pop-up menu - Bank account that is receiving the money
Date: Date the money is received
Check No.: Check number of the money received
From: The Bank account money received is from.
Amount: Dollar amount of Money Received
Cash: If box is checked the Student/Vendor is paying in cash
Student/Vendor ID: Display Field - Displays the Id number of either the Vendor or Student after the student/vendor has been selected. The Scrollable field underneath stores the Student/Vendor information. When a ID is selected and confirmed, the system will prompt the user if the current outstanding amount is indeed paid in full. If so, the amount will be locked, and all revenue invoice will be received by accepting the confirmation and the user is ready to use the write button to finish the money receiving process. A bar code reader can also be use in the above process to aid accuracy of the inputting, which is printed on the bill return portion.
Res. Center: Fill in/Pop-up menu - List of Sites for students
Student/Vendor: Fill in/Pop-up menu - List of students/vendors
Button - To be used when the invoice is to be waived as no pay. If one of the revenue invoice is selected, that specific one is waved by added a opposite amount to the selected Revenue Invoices. If none is selected, all unchecked revenue invoices are waved in this one action.
Button - To generate negative Revenue Invoice that has the word cancel in it to offset the positive revenue invoices. If one of the revenue invoice is selected, that specific one is canceled by added a opposite amount to the selected Revenue Invoices. If none is selected, all unchecked revenue invoices are canceled in this one action.
Icon button - Adds a New Invoice for which the received money would allocate to. If one of the invoices is selected, the system will use the selected code as a template while generating a new revenue invoices.
Icon button - Modifies the selected Invoice.
Icon button - Deletes the selected Invoice.
Revenue Invoice Include Layout
Mark: Group scrollable list - A $ will appear in the invoice window when an invoice has been created and paid in full in the money receive window "/" p/o means Partial Payment If a check "Ã" mark appears the invoice is fully allocated. If no mark appears before invoice line the line is not part of the receiving process. For cancel and waved line, the word "No" and "Waiver" will be the leading words for the line description and a check mark will appear on the status line.
Description: Group scrollable list - Revenue Invoice description.
Amount: Group scrollable list - Amount of the invoice
Date: Group scrollable list - Day the invoice was created
Revenue Code: Group scrollable list - The actual Revenue Code.
Unallocated: The amount that still needs to be allocated to a Revenue Code
Invoice total: The total amount to be paid on this invoice.

Clear: Check box - The date the checked cleared.
Clear date: The date the check cleared.
Bank Statement: Display fields - Bank statement ID.

Icon Buttons
CANCEL the action and close the window.
NOTES Activates a window for the input of notes and comments
WRITE Writes any new entries or modifications you have made to the database