Bounce Check Redeposit Input Window

This window is for inputting money receive information for Checks that has bounced before. Paying back for bounced Checks.

Input/Display Fields
Deposit into: Pop-up menu -Bank Account the Money is to be deposited to.
Check No: Check Number of the pay back Check (if cash put in "Cash")
From: The person/company name the pay back Check is from.
Date: Date this Money was received
Amount: Dollar amount of this pay back. (Should match the dollar amount of the selected Bounced Check record)
Clear: Check box - Money has been cleared when box is checked
Clear Date: Date the Money Cleared
Bank Statement: Bank Statement Number where this Money was stated Cleared
Bounce Check Include Layout.
"X": Group scrollable list -Represents NSF check is to be included in the money received
Status: Group scrollable list -What type of checks
Date Record: Group scrollable list -Date on the bounce check
Amount: Group scrollable list -Amount of the bounce check.
Display field: Total amount of all bounce checks.
Comment: Group scrollable list - Any comment or note one need to be included in this money received
Amount: Button - Sorts the listing window by amount.
Date: Button - Sorts the listing window by date.
Flag: Button - Sorts the listing window whether the list is flagged or not.

Icon Buttons