Revenue Money Received Input Window

This window is used to add a Revenue Money Received record.

Input/Display Fields

Deposit into: Pop-up menu - Displays the account in which the money would be allocated to.
Date: The Date the money was received on.
Check No: The Check Number of the received Check if you have it, in case of Revenue Check, it will be the actual check number for the check printed.
From: The Person/Company this Check was issued from.
Amount: The dollar amount of the Check.
Revenue Ledger Include Layout
Amount: Group scrollable list - Amount of the Check the user wants to allocated to this Revenue Ledger.
Date: Group scrollable list - Date this allocation was recorded.
Revenue Code String: Group scrollable list - Revenue Ledger Code String of which this money will be allocated to.
Total: Display Field - Total amount of all the Revenue Ledgers
Ref. No Display Field - The reference number field is whatever the user make a revenue check in the check field. At this time no check number is created the reference number is used to connect the check that will be prepared and this record.
Icon button - Add a new Revenue Ledger for the allocation of this Check.
Icon button - View the allocation of this money in detail according to selected Revenue Ledger
Icon button - Delete a Revenue Ledger.
Cleared: Check is Cleared when box is checked.
Bank State: Display Field - Bank Statement this Check would belongs to.
Clear Date: Display Field - Date this Check was Cleared.

Icon Buttons
Comment field for entering note or comments in regards the the Revenue Money Received.
Write/Save this Revenue Money Received record.