Vendor Billing Input Window

This window is used to generate a Bill for a Vendor.

Input/Display Fields
Cycle Date: Display field - The billing cycle date this invoice was created.
Bill Date: Display field - Date this Bill was printed.
Vendor Name: Display field - Vendor name
Vendor Address: Display field - Vendor address and contact information
Icon button - View detail information of the Vendor being displayed on window.
Revenue listing Include Layout
Icon button - Add a New Revenue Invoice to this Vendor Bill
Icon button - View details of the Revenue Invoice
Icon button - Delete or Exclude the selected Revenue Invoice record.
Received Check Box: Group scrollable list - When Checked, the payment for that Revenue Invoice is received.
Vendor Check Box: Group scrollable list - When Checked, the Revenue Invoice made is for Billing to a Vendor.
Revenue Code String: Group scrollable list - The Long Code of the Revenue Invoice.
Amount: Group scrollable list - The amount of the Invoice
Description: Group scrollable list - Describes the bill.
Previous Balance: The Balance on this Vendor account from the previous Billing Cycle.
Payment: The Payments made by this Vendor on the previous Billing Cycle.
New Charges: Display field - shows the total Charges for the current Billing Cycle.
New Balance: The Total of the Current Billing Cycle plus the previous unpaid Balances
Printed: When checked, the Bill has been Printed.

Icon Buttons
View the previous Billing Record
View the next Billing Record
Brings up comment field for entering comments relating to the current Bill
Write/Save the current Bill record