Contact Input Window

This is the window used for initial setup of contacts for the contact's information. This window allows the user to add, view, or modify the information once the information is written.

Input/Display Fields
I.D.: Display field - Displays the ID number of the student to whom the contact is associated with.
Related: Check box - Check marked if the contact is related to the student.
Doctor: Check box - Check marked if the contact is the students doctor.
Dentist: Check box - Check marked if the contact is the students dentist.
Send mail to home: Check box - Check marked if the current mailing address is the same as the individuals home address.
Prefix: Pop-up menu - to select the salutation of the contact
First Name: Enter first name of the contact
Middle Name: middle name or middle initial
Last Name: Last name
Pro fix: pro fix e.g. M.D. Ph.D., III, Jr. Sr.
Company: The company name the individual is employed by. The space to the right will automatically display the vendor code for the employer if the vendor is on file.
Main, Ext.: Stores the 10 digit phone number. The following space is provided to hold an extension number.
Company Selector: Fill-in/Pop up menu - Contains an alphabetical list of all stored vendors. Once a vendor is selected, the name will appear in the menu and the vendor code will appear above.
Department: The department name where the individual works.
Title: The individuals job title.
Address: The company address.
City: The city the company is located
State: The state the company is located
Zip: The zip code of the company.
Home: Display field - Contact address. The address is break down into 5 parts.
Street Number Only number and N, E, S and W is allow in this area
Street Direction Only characters N, E, S, and W
Street Name Name of street
Street Description Only 2 character is used
AV=>Avenue BL=>Boulevard CI=>Circle
CO=>Court DR=>Drive EX=>Extension
FR=>Freeway HE=>Heights HW=>Highway
LN=>Lane OV=>Oval PI=>Pike
PK=>Parkway PL=>Place RD=>Road
ST=>Street SQ=>Square TE=>Terrace
TR=>Trail WA=>Way
Apt.: Employee's apartment number if applicable
Combined Address: Display field - The above to form the complete address
Direct: The direct phone number.
Car: Car phone number.
Fax: Fax number.
Pager: Pager number.
Group: Pop up menu - Displays the group code(s) and the group(s) that the individual belongs to. A typical example of a group could be PTA.
Group Member: Scrollable list for all the groups the contact person belongs to.
Include layout Event Listing Window. This scrollable window lists all the instances the school has contacted or attempted to contact this individual.
Completion: Scrollable list - Check box - Check marked if the school has contacted the individual and the contact event has been completed. Blank if a follow up attempt is necessary.
Date: Scrollable list - Display field - Displays the date of the contact event.
Type: Scrollable list - Display field - Displays the contact method.
Summary: Scrollable list - Display field - Displays the summary of the situation.
Allows the user to add a new contact event record.
Allows the user to view and modify contact event records.
Allows the user to delete an existing contact event record.
Alt. Name: Enter the contacts alternate name. This is optional.
Job Code: Enter the individuals job code.
Key Word: Enter a key word which can be used for a custom search.

Icon Buttons
CANCEL - Cancels the action and closes the window.
KIDS - Related Kids. Initiates a search for kids related to the contact person. All related kids will be listed in the display window. If there are no related kids for the contact, then the system will display a message to let you know.
NEXT PAGE - Opens the next page to the right. The following page is used to display a picture of the individual and any included notes.
WRITE - Records the data entered.