Contact Event Query Dialog

This window is used to query the contact event records. The user uses the list set of criteria to locate the desire records and have them displayed on the preceding listing window.

Input/Display Fields
Current User Only: Check Box - Select data for the current user only via the login name used when starting C4SI. If an Administrator, one can select a different user and/or Group
User/Group: Pop-up menu - List of Event status for the search.All Events (Selects data for all contact events), Just the Completed Ones (Selects the contact event data for the completed events only) and Incomplete Ones (Selects the contact event data for the incomplete data (still pending follow-up)).
Date: Displays the current date.
Today Only ? Or-->: Check box - Selects the current days contact event data.
Date Menu: Pop up menu - List of preset dates that can be used to query.
Starting: Search by Start Date of the event .
End Date: Search by End Date of the event.

Icon Buttons:
CANCEL - Cancel Icon Button cancels changes to the current window, closes it and returns to the previous window.
QUERY - Query Icon Button performs query with select options in the window and displays the results in the previous window.