Expense Budget Modify Window

This window is used to update or modify the Expense Budget, this is also the window for setting up budget of individual budget

Input/Display Fields
Code Display Bar: Display field - This bar displays the Budget Code.
Budget Amount: The amount the Code is budgeted for.
% Used: Display field - The percentage of the Budget used for the corresponding description field. l
Spent: Display field - The amount of the Budget Spent
Accnt.Pay: Display field - Account Payable, the amount of the Budget that is consider spent but has yet to actually transfer the cash.
Partial Pay: Display field - Partial Payment, the amount of the Budget that is consider spent because it is a remainder of a purchase that has yet to be paid.
Encumbrance: Display field - Amount to be Paid in total that has yet to actually had the transfer of cash.
Updated On: Display field - The last Update date.
Left: Display field - Amount still available in the Budget
Budget Update Activity Included Layout
This is the display for the modifications done to the Budget. Any adjustment done to the budget will be recorded as a transaction in this included layout

Date: Group scrollable list - The date the modification to the Budget was done.
Type: Group scrollable list - The type of modification.
Amount: Group scrollable list - The amount of the adjustment to this Budget.
Individual employee share of the Budget Assignment Include Window
This Data entry is from individual employee budget and is used to create, update or modify the Employee Budget. One employee can distribute his/her budget amount multiple employee within his/her controlled group.

Belong To: Group scrollable list - The full Name of the Employee
Given By:
Amount: Group scrollable list - The Amount subject of modification
Spent: Group scrollable list - The Amount of Budget Spent
Update On: Group scrollable list - The last modification Date
Left: Group scrollable list - The Amount of Budget Left.
Icon button - Add a sub budget to this Expense Budget code.
Icon button - View or make changes to the sub budget.
Icon button - Delete the sub budget.

Icon Buttons
CANCEL - Cancel and Close the Window.
PREVIOUS - Takes you back to the Previous Record.
NEXT - Moves Forward to the next Record.
WRITE - Writes any New entries or Modifications you have made to the database.