2004/06/15 0242

Payroll Profile Deduction Mass Changes Dialog

Payroll profile deduction mass change dialog window allows mass changes to be made on current selected employees payroll deductions conditions.

Input/Display Fields
Employee's Portion: Pop up menu - Employee's "current "and "change to" amounts for payroll deductions.
Current amount: Current payroll deduction amount paid by employees.
Change to amount: New payroll deduction amount to be paid by all employees
Board's Portion: Pop up menu - Board's "current "and "change to" amounts for payroll deductions.
Current amount: Current payroll deduction amount paid by the school board.
Change to amount: New payroll deduction amount to be paid by the school board
Pay Frequency: Check box - Pop up menu - For payroll frequencies. How frequently does the employee and the board pay these deductions. The frequencies could be: Once a month, Twice a month, Every pay check
Current frequency Pop up menu - Current frequency
Change to Frequency Pop up menu - Change to frequency
Federal Tax Pop up menu - Select to set Federal Tax Shelter to be be Sheltered or Not Sheltered, or No change.
State Tax Pop up menu - Select to set State Tax Shelter to be be Sheltered or Not Sheltered, or No change.
Medicare Tax Pop up menu - Select to set Medicare Tax Shelter to be be Sheltered or Not Sheltered, or No change.
Replace Description Check Box - If checked what ever is in the space will replace the current selection's description. i.e. if nothing is type in the space, the current description will be wipe out to reflect the replace description

Icon Buttons

CANCEL - Cancel/Escape button cancels the current action and closes the active window.
SETUP - Setup button allows you to implement the changes to the database.