Bank Statement Input (2) Money Receiving Window

This window is use for Clearing the Expected Money Receivables for that month.

Input/Display Fields
From: Display field - The Starting Date of this Statement.
To: Display field - The Ending Date of this Statement.
Prev. Balance: Display field - The Previous Month End Balance
Included Listing Layout displays for the Money Received
Description: Group scrollable list - Origin of the Money Receivable
Type: Group scrollable list - Type of Money Receivable
Date: Group scrollable list - Date the Money was Received
Amount: Group scrollable list - Dollar amount owed by that Company/Person
Flag: Group scrollable list - if marked with “X” this money received will be part of this bank statement
Button - Clear or Unclear All Money Receivable records and start from the beginning
Uncleared Deposit(s): Display field - Total dollar amount of Uncleared Deposits
Total Checks: Display field - Total number of checks cleared
Cleared Deposit(s): Display field - Total Cleared Money Received Accounts
Total Checks: Display field - Total dollar amount of Cleared Deposits
Working Amt.: Display field - Total Working Amount of this current bank statement
Difference: Display field - The Difference Amount between the Working Amount and the Expected Balance on the Bank issued Bank Statement
Exp. Balance: Display field - The Expected Balance on the Bank issued Bank Statement

Sort Buttons
Sort by Date
Sort by Description
Sort by Dollar Amount
Sort by Flagged records

Icon Buttons
BACK - Back to Previous Window