Student Visit Input Window

This window is for adding or modifying the the Student's Care Provider visit event.

Input/Display Fields
Key Code: Key Code for the Student'(s) visit
Date: Display field - Date of care provider visit
Total Hours: The total time of the care provider visit (in hours).
Starts: Start time of care provider visit.
End: End time of care provider visit.
Provider: Pop-up menu - List of Care Provider
Non_Employee: Check box - if checked the provider does not have a current employee status
By Last Name: Check box - for sorting selection by last name.
Condition & Event: Two tire Pop-up menu - Selection for Condition & Event.
Locked: When checked, the record is locked so it cannot be modified.
Description: Scrollable field - Description of condition & event visit in detail. Can be use as the primary means of reporting.
Include layout of Student Selection
ID#: ID number Student selection.
By Name: Fill-in/pop-up menu - manual form of student selection entry window.
Student/Guardian visiting Include Layout
Not Present: Group scrollable list - if check box is checked when the Student is not present.
Student Full Name: Group scrollable list - The Students full name involved in the visit
Related Person : Group scrollable list - the Student's Related Person who is in attendance.

Icon button - Adds the entry to the Include Listing Layout Window.
Icon button - Examine the selected entry.
Icon button - Removes the selected entry from the Include Listing Layout Window.

Icon Buttons:
Cancels any changes in window and closes the window
PREVIOUS - Only selectable in edit mode. Allows the user to quickly move to the previous locker record in the sequence.
NEXT - Only selectable in edit mode. Allows the user to quickly move to the next locker record in the sequence.
Writes changes to the database and closes window.