In Class Daily Attendance Input Window

This window allows the user to view and modify daily student attendance records. The user also has the ability to delete attendance records and view the information on a selected student.

Input/Display field
This list contains the name of the student who is absent/late, the homeroom class the student is enrolled, the status of the record, consecutive days absent, and reason for the attendance problem.
Full Name: Group scrollable list - The students full name.
Class: Group scrollable list - The students homeroom class Id.
A/L: Group scrollable list - The students attendance status as: late, absent, half day, or quarter day. To input or modify A/L status, simply choose the appropriate selection from the pop-up menu to the right.
Days: Group scrollable list - Shows the number of consecutive absent days.
Reason (if any): Group scrollable list - The reason for the absence. To input or modify the absent reason, choose the appropriate selection from the pop-up menu to the right.
Status: Pop-up menu -Choose from a list of absent types: late, absent, half day, or full day.
Reason: Pop-up menu - Presents a list of the stored absent reasons to choose from.

Sort buttons
Sorts the listing window according to the students last name.
Sorts the listing window according to the students attendance status.
Sorts the listing window according to the first letter of the reason for the absence.
Sorts the listing window according to the number of consecutive days absent.

Icon Buttons
Clears the selected students absent record for that specific day.
Allows the user to view the general information on the selected student.
Cancels the action and closes the window.
Records the daily attendance record to the database.