Locker Assign to Student Window

This window is used to assign vacant lockers to students. The user can assign a locker to a student by entering their student ID number or selecting their name.

Input/Display Fields
Locker Display Include Layout

Display Field: Group scrollable list - Displays all of the available vacant locker ID numbers
Display Field: Group scrollable list - The location of the locker at the site.
Button - Sort the list according to the locker ID number.
Button - Sort the list according to its location description.
Locker Type: Pop-up menu - to select from the list of locker types
Locate Student by Name
Student: Fill-in/Pop-up menu - A list of student.
By Last Name: Check box - Sorts the student list by last names
ID#: Once the student is selected, their student ID number will automatically appear in the space provided. It is also possible to assign a locker to a student by entering their student ID number or by scanning their ID bar code.

Icon Buttons
Cancels the action and closes the window.
Assigns the selected locker to the selected student.