2004/06/22 0386

Payroll Encumbrance Listing Window

Payroll Encumbrance Listing Window allows you to view all employee payroll encumbrance codes,payroll encumbered,and payroll still-encumbered.

Header Row
Employee Name: Employee's names
Encumbered: Amounts already encumbered with their total at the bottom of the window.
Still-Encumb: Scrollable list -Displays all amounts still-encumbered with their total at the bottom of the window.
Coding: Codes for encumbered and still-encumbered amounts
Encumbered Total: Display Field - Total amount of the encumbered amount
Outstanding amount: Display Field - Total amount of the still encumbered

Icon Buttons
Add/New Button allows you to add a new payroll encumbrance record to the database.
Search/Query Button allows you to perform a search/query on payroll encumbrance based on criteria.
Print Button opens the print window which gives you the following options:
Calculate Button allows you to recalculate payroll encumbrance based on the fiscal year you select.
Setup Button allows you to update payroll encumbrance by using the following buttons:
View Button allows you to view payroll encumbrance codes.
Modify Button allows you to modify the employee payroll encumbrance base on fiscal year
Cancel/Escape Button cancels the current action and exit the active window.