Bus Route Input Window

This window assist the user to input bus route as it affects the student. Location of the student boarding and drop of can be inserted from this window.
This window contains the following.

Input/Display Fields
Student Ridership Detail Inpuded Layout
Site: Group scollable list -This is the site where the school is located.
Student name: Group scollable list -This is the student involved in the bus route schedule.
Start date: Group scollable list -This is the beginning of the bus route schedule
End Date: The end date of the bus route schedule
Mile: Group scollable list -Group scollable list -Enter the distance it will take the bus to its destination
On at stop: This is the boarding place of the students
Off at stop: Location where the student drops off.
Student Count: Display Field - Number of student on board the bus
Milage entry: After selecting a student on board the bus, one can enter the miles the student will ride the route
On: Pop-up menu - to choose location of student boarding locations.
Off: Pop-up menu - u to input drop off locations

Sort Buttons
Site: Sort by site
L. Name: Sort by last name
F. Name: Sort by first name
On Bus: Sort by On at Location
Off Bus: Sort by Off at Location
Start D.: Sort by start date
End D.: Sort by End Date.

Icon buttons
View selected record
This returns the user to the previous page
This opens the next page in the record.