Bus Route Input Window (3)

This window allow for the input of additional information to the bus route schedule,the description of stop and direction can be added in this window.

Input/Display Fields
Student Bus Rout Ridership Include Layout
Site: Group scollable list - This is the site where the school is located.
Student name: Group scollable list - This is the student involved in the bus route schedule.
On at: Group scollable list - This is the boarding place of the students
Off at: Group scollable list - Location where the student drops off.
Student Count: Display field - number of student on the bus route on a specific date
Date as of: Display field - show the date the bus was being look at as of
Icon button - This adds more Stop, Time and description of stop
Icon button - This deletes information from the stop time and description stop field.
Bus Route Stop Input Section
Start Time: This is the time bus route begins, this is usually time school begins.
Time span in minute: Group scollable list - The time in minutes the bus route is schedule to move from one place to the other
Stop description: This is the description of the bus route stops
Direction: The description of the direction of the bus route takes
Bus Route Stops Inlcuded Layout
Stop: Group scollable list - This is the stop bumber of the bus route
Time: Group scollable list - The speciifc time the bus route moves from one location to the other.
Stop Name: Group scollable list - The name of the bus stops
Description of stop(s): Group scollable list - This describes where the bus route stops at interval. You can drag and drop stop locations onto another stop, to change the stop sequence.

Sort Buttons
Site: Sort by site
L. Name: Sort by last name
F. Name: Sort by first name
On Stop: Sort by On at Location
Off. Stop: Sort by Off at Location
Check box: Indicating ascending or descending order to sort

Icon Buttons
Setup: this rest the internal code of the bus route.
Previous page, this return the window to the previous page.