Special Ed Service Code Listing Window

The Special Ed Service Code listing window is used to give unique codes to special ed services.

Header Row
Code: The Code for the special education service.
Special Education/Service Description: A description of the special education being performed.
Not in Use: This special education service is not in use at this time if checked.
Service Guideline/Description: The guideline for this special education service
Criteria Guideline/Description: The criteria description of this special education service
Asset Guideline/Description: The asset requirement description for this special education service

Sort Buttons
In Use: Sort listing by In Use field.
Desc: Sort listing by on the Special Education Service Description
Code: Sort the listing by Special Education Service Code

Icon Buttons
New Record Button creates a new input record form.
Print Button prints a record or opens a print selection dialog.
Set Up Button a special purpose button that lets you check whether the special ed service code is in use.
Modify Button opens input form for a selected record allows modification.
Cancel Button cancels the current action and closes the active window.