IEP Objective Input Dialog

This window allows you to input IEP objectives of the student after having a goal. In the process of an IEP,the services and evaluations are recorded.

Input/Display Fields

Objective: Input the IEP objective of the particular student in the enterable field.
Display field: The student name and ID.
Special Ed. Service: Select from the popup menu. The selectable is the services provided by the school.
Vendor: Click to select a vendor from the popup menu which qualifies for IEP objective.
Desc: Input the Description of the IEP in the enterable field.
Asset: Input asset you may need for IEP objective in the enterable field with scrollable.
Criteria: Input IEP criteria in the enterable field with scrollable.
Requirement: Input the student's requirement to have an IEP in the enterable field with scrollable.
Header Row

Date: The date of evaluaton has mad for IEP objective.
Evaluated By: Displays listing of the person who mad the evaluation.
Method: Displays listing of the method used for that IEP objective.
Result: Display listing IEP objective result.
Special Keys
Add record to the listing.
Modify record to highlighted record.
Delete record of the listing window.

Icon Buttons
Cancel Button.