IEP Progress Input Dialog

The IEP Progress Input Dialog window allows you to input the IEP progress report for selected students in terms of percentage completed and allows the user to make comments on the progress. The selected student is displayed on the top of window with the student's name, student ID and site.

Input/Display Fields
Reported By: Fill-In/Pop-up menu - to input the last name of the person who makes this report and click on the full name of the appropriate person.
Date: The date of the report and it is modifiable.
Date Entered: Display field - The entry date and it can not be modified.
Progress: Input the percentage of progress in the enterable field. Based on the users judgement of the IEP progress.
Comment: Scollable field - Make any comments as text in the enterable field.with a scrollable bar.

Icon Buttons
Cancel Button cancels the current record without saving the changes..
Accept/Save/Write Button writes the record to the database and brings you to the previous screen.