Employment Code Listing Window

This listing window allows user to add employment code, add description of employment code and change description of employment code but it will not allow user to delete employment code. Once employment code is added into list it cannot be deleted. At the bottom of employment code listing window there are three boxes that represent window listing status of the employment code found it the list " Not In Use", " In Use" and " Total Codes".

Input/Display Fields
Codes: Group scrollable list - Display used for viewing the employment code
Group: Group scrollable list - Display used for viewing the group the employment code belongs to.
Description of Codes: Group scrollable list - Display used for viewing description of employment code
Not In Use: Display field - This is the number of codes that are not being used currently.
In Use: Display field - This is the number of codes that have being activated and put to use.
Total Codes: Display field - This is the total numbers of codes that are actually in the system, either being used or not.

Sort Buttons
Code: Sorts employment code and description of employment code by code number which is numerically ordered.
Group: Sorts employment code and description of employment code by the group number to which they belong to.
Desc.: Sorts employment code by description of employment code by alphanumerical listing of description of employment code.
In Use: Sorts employment code and description of employment code by selection which is determined by "x" located in front of description of employment code.
Icon Buttons
Add New Button opens the employment code input window which enables user to add a new employment code and description of employment code.
Print Button allows you to print employment code status and description report.
Set Up Button allows user to activate or deactivate the setup flags for employment code, when activated user is allowed to select or deselect employment code. If deactivated user cannot deselect employment code but user is allowed to select employment code in order to change description or add new employment code.
Edit View Button allows user to edit description of selected employment code, but it does not allow user to change employment code number.
Cancel Button cancels and exits the employment code listing window.