2004/01/07 0560

Hours/Week Calculator for hourly/Salary Employee Dialog

This window provides the ability to easily calculate the equalized payroll hours per week for hourly worker who are to receive a consistent (equalized) gross pay amount per pay period during the current fiscal (or contract) year. The calculator can be used any time that an employee's job or pay status changes or a new contract or fiscal year begins. A constant (equalized) pay amount is established in the event of employees, for instance,.who's work actually spans only 20 pay periods but the pay is evenly distributed over 26 pay periods

Input/display field
Yearly salary Amounts Scrollable enterable field - One or more amounts of the salary amount can be entered
New Yearly Salary Total Display field - The sum of Yearly Salary Amounts entered above
Paid Up to Date Amount paid the employee to date
Hourly Pay Display field - Hourly pay rate from current Payroll Profile
Pay Times/Year The number of payroll periods over which such employee is normally paid for the full fiscal year or contract term
Times Paid The number of payroll periods of this fiscal year or contract term already past)
New Hours/Week Display field - The number of equalized hours per week at the Hourly Pay rate required to arrive at the equalized Gross Pay/Pay Period
New Wk/Yr. Display field - The number of weeks at the New Hours/Week based on the Hourly Pay rate required to pay the remaining amount due the employee; New Yearly Salary Total less the Paid Up to Date
Gross Pay/Pay Period Display field - The new gross equalized gross figure per pay period

Icon Buttons
Cancels the action and closes the window.
Calculate, action based on what is entered.
Writes the appropriate fields to the current payroll profile.