2004/01/07 0561

New Salary Calculator for Salary Employee Dialog

This window provides the ability to easily calculate new amount per payroll for salaried employees whose salary amounts have or will changed during the current fiscal (or contract) year.

Input/display field
Yearly salary Amounts Scrollable enterable field - One or more amounts of the salary amount can be entered
New Yearly Salary Total Display field - The calculated sum of Yearly Salary Amounts entered above)
Paid Up to Date The amount paid the employee to date)
Pay Times/Year The number of payroll periods over which such employee is normally paid for the full fiscal year or contract term)
Times Paid The number of payroll periods of this fiscal year or contract term already past)
New Yearly Salary Display field - The new calculated remaining amount due the employee; New Yearly Salary Total less the Paid Up to Date)
Gross Pay/Pay Period Display field - The new calculated new gross salary figure per pay period)

Icon Buttons
Cancels the action and closes the window.
Calculate, action based on what is entered
Writes the appropriate fields to the current payroll profile.