2004/04/30 0562

Global Setup Window (4)

This window gives the user the ability to create labels for storing employee leave labels. The labels come preset with "Family Leave, Emergency, and Comp Time" and cant be change without the proper authority.

Input/display field
The Employee Leave label are defined from this window.. Those field are labled in red/purple pink. While cutom field space that is used by the client is in black.
Labels (1-3): Display field - Use the three fields to tag the 3 custom record, they are EmpLeave4; Empleave5, EmpLeave6.
Department Specific Phone Number if Desired
Payroll Phone: Direct Phone to Payroll department if applicable.
AP PHone Direct Phone to Accounts Payable department if applicable.

Icon Buttons
Cancels the action and closes the window.
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Writes record to the database.